
Patrick McSharry is a research professor at Carnegie Mellon University Africa, director of the World Bank funded African Centre of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS) in Rwanda and a member of the Kigali Collaborative Research Centre. Having served 22 years at Oxford University, McSharry remains affiliated with the Oxford Man Institute of Quantitative Finance, the Mathematical Institute, the Department of Computer Science, and the Oxford Internet Institute. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, Senior Member of the IEEE and Senior Academic Member of the Willis Research Network and advises on working groups for insurance, open data and big data.

McSharry was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship and two Marie Curie Research Fellowships (UK and Spain). He takes a multidisciplinary approach to developing quantitative techniques for data science, decision-making, and risk management. His research focuses on big data, forecasting, predictive analytics, machine learning, and the analysis of human behavior. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, three books, and advises national and international government agencies and firms in the insurance, finance, agriculture, energy, telecoms, environment, education, and healthcare sectors.

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Ph.D., Mathematical Institute, Oxford University

MSc, Engineering, University of Dublin's Trinity College Dublin

BSc, Theoretical Physics, University of Dublin's Trinity College

Media mentions

Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Using big data to manage COVID-19 in Rwanda

Patrick McSharry is collaborating with the Government of Rwanda to analyze the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda and make predictions about how the disease may impact the country in the future.

The Future Society

McSharry to be part of AI policy team

CMU-Africa’s Patrick McSharry is part of the team at The Future Society developing Rwanda’s National Artificial Intelligence Policy alongside Rwanda’s Ministry of ICT, the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority, and GIZ’s Fair Forward Initiative.