
Ahmed Biyabani is an associate teaching professor in the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University Africa.

His current teaching and research interests range from programming and networking through embedded ML and AI, to digital transformation and entrepreneurship. One of the initiatives he is pursuing aims to use different smart sensors and cloud computing technologies to promote remote medicine and health care, particularly in Africa.

Biyabani joins Carnegie Mellon after a career spanning more than two decades in the semiconductor industry in the US and Japan, as well as teaching and management consulting in Saudi Arabia. He has been involved with three technology startups in various roles. He holds a SB in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and MS and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon.

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Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

MS Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

SB Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Media mentions

Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Mini courses, full-size experience

Mini courses are special course offerings that are half the length of regular courses. Here, we highlight two mini courses offered at CMU-Africa during the spring semester: Planning for Digital Transformation and Project in AI for Healthcare.

Changing Transport

White paper on smart mobility solutions in Africa published in Changing Transport

A new white paper by Ahmed Biyabani and Andrea Denzinger was published in Changing Transport covering smart mobility solutions in Africa.

Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Research opportunities enrich the student experience

Three CMU-Africa students presented their research projects to fellow scholars and industry leaders at IEEE Africon in September and IEEE ICMEA in November.


Afretec planning grants announced

The African Engineering and Technology Network, led by CMU-Africa, awarded six planning grants to research collaborations that will lead to socio-economic impact and focus on driving inclusive digital growth on the continent.