04-601   ICT in Africa Seminar

Location: Africa

Units: 6

Semester Offered: Fall, Spring

Course description

In this course, students learn about Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and its application in Africa. The goal is to provide an overview of core ICT topics such as data, connectivity, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity and their application to solving problems on the continent in areas ranging from health care to agriculture. In the first part of the course, students read assigned papers (e.g., academic papers, government reports, consultant reports, blog posts, etc.) to deepen their understanding of core ICT topics in an African context.  Each week, students write individual summaries based on the readings, give a team-based oral presentation, and lead an in-class discussion based on their assigned reading. The second part of the course is a student-directed, team-based project in which students select an African challenge and research potential ICT solutions. In addition to deepening their ICT knowledge, students will strengthen their skills at reading and summarizing technical papers, their oral and written communication abilities, and their dexterity in working in teams.

Learning objectives

Students will gain a greater understanding of:

  • Core ICT topics, themes, and applications
  • The ICT context within Africa, including emerging trends and potential applications
  • Best practices to review and comprehend technical literature, particularly journal papers
  • Oral presentation skills and writing clarity
  • Effective team-based strategies


After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand core ICT topics, including data, connectivity, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, and human-computer interaction from both a global and an African perspective.
  • Think critically about how to apply ICT solutions to African-based issues in sectors such as agriculture, finance, health care, and energy.
  • Effectively read and synthesize technical papers, including journal articles, government reports, and industry documents.
  • Deliver clear and insightful oral and written summaries on technical topics.




João Barros