04-730   Augmented and Virtual Reality

Location: Africa

Units: 12

Semester Offered: Fall

Course description

Augmented and virtual reality systems strive to present their users with sensory experiences that feel real but are in fact either entirely computer-created (virtual reality) or add computer "augmentations" to the real world around them (augmented reality).  AR/VR systems have a long history, and many now prefer the term Mixed Reality and think in terms of a spectrum spanning reality at one end to entirely virtual experiences at the other.
The most common implementation of AR/VR systems uses headsets that the user wears, and frequently hand controllers as well.  The headsets project images into both eyes, allowing 3D perception, and the hand controllers sometimes provide tactile experiences in addition to control functions.  In this course, students will study AR/VR systems from a theoretical standpoint, as well as program headsets and hand controllers in order to gain hands-on experience.
Students will learn key computer graphics principles that lie at the core of a mixed reality system's ability to generate virtual imagery to create 3D perception. They will learn the need for tracking of both head and hand motions to create acceptable experiences, and how this can be achieved. They will understand, for AR systems, the issue of registration.
Programming using Unity is a core part of the course.

Learning objectives

Students will learn key computer graphics principles that lie at the core of an MR system's ability to generate virtual imagery to create 3D perception. They will learn the need for tracking of both head and hand motions to create acceptable experiences, and how this can be achieved. They will understand, for AR systems, the issue of registration.


After completing this course, students will be able to do the following:

  • Read technical literature related to MR systems
  • Analyze whether an MR solution is appropriate for problems they are working on in either industry or academia
  • Develop AR and VR software applications using Unity (or a similar platform)
  • Pursue deeper studies in MR research areas

Content details

  • 3D coordinate systems
  • Homogeneous coordinates
  • World coordinates vs body coordinates and conversions between them
  • Projection and the linear algebra that underlies it
  • Equirectangular projection
  • Rotations
  • Virtual object rendering using computer graphics technologies
  • Thin lens
  • Human visual system aspects relevant to 3D perception
  • Development of VR applications using Unity
  • Development of AR applications using Unity




Michael Perkins