Christella, Daniel win at 2018 Rwanda National Toastmasters contest
Staff writer
Mar 31, 2018

Source: Daniel Togun
Daniel Togun (MSIT'19) and Christella Umuhoza (MSIT'18) holding their winners' trophies and certificates
Christella Umuhoza (MSIT'18) and Daniel Togun (MSIT'19) won first place in the international speech and humorous speech categories respectively, at the 2018 Rwanda National Toastmasters contest. Other contestants in the same categories from CMU-Africa’s Techy Talkers club that made it to the national competition were Agatha Niwomugizi (MSECE'19) and Mukiibi S. Hood (MSIT'18).
Christella and Daniel will be representing Rwanda in their categories at the 2018 Best of Toastmasters East Africa (BOTEA) contest, slated for April 26-28, 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya.