Save the date and register

March 7, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

CMU-Africa, PEZ Building
Kigali, Rwanda

Meet our first and second-year graduate students at our annual career fairs, held during the spring semester (January-May). We host an internship fair for our first-year students seeking internships and a career fair for our second-year students seeking permanent employment.

Dates to remember

Why should your organization participate?

  • Network with bright, innovative, and diverse minds from CMU-Africa
  • Showcase your organization and available summer and full-time opportunities
  • Build relationships with future tech leaders and potential interns and employees
  • Engage with the exceptional CMU-Africa faculty, researchers, and staff

What to expect at the event

  • Booth/table space: We will provide a designated booth/table space for your organization,
    allowing you to showcase your company culture, values, and available opportunities.
  • Networking: Take advantage of networking opportunities with students, faculty, and other
    industry partners during the event.
  • Information sessions: Optionally, you may host an information session to provide deeper
    insights into your organization and available positions.
Student at internship fair

Learn more about the skills our students develop at CMU-Africa

Our graduate programs are educating future leaders who will use their hands-on, experiential learning to advance technology innovation and grow the businesses that will transform Africa.