Available courses

Available courses are currently offered and available for student registration. These courses are taught by our main instructors in Kigali or an instructor in another CMU location and are accessible from Kigali via video conferencing. Or, the courses are taught by a local instructor in Kigali using recorded course content with possible asynchronous remote interaction. Courses may be video-streamed from Kigali to other CMU locations.

Course Course Name Location Units Semester Offered
04-330 Fundamentals of Software Development and Problem Solving Africa 12 Fall
04-601 ICT in Africa Seminar Africa 6 Fall, Spring
04-603 ICT Entrepreneurship Seminar Africa 6 Fall, Spring
04-605 ICT Professional Development Seminar Africa 6 Fall, Spring
04-606 Academic Skills for Engineers I Africa 6 Fall
04-607 Academic Skills for Engineers II Africa 6 Spring
04-608 Advanced Academic Skills for Engineers I Africa 6 Fall
04-609 Advanced Academic Skills for Engineers II Africa 6 Spring
04-611 Strategic Use of Digital Information in Enterprise Africa 12 Fall
04-612 Market Planning for High Tech Innovation Africa 12 Spring
04-613 ICT Business Economics and Finance Africa 12 Spring
04-616 Tech Startups: Tools and Techniques Africa 12 Spring
04-622 Applied Cryptography Africa 6 Fall
04-623 Cyber Defense Africa 12 Spring
04-624 Information System Audit and Standards Africa 12 Spring
04-625 Intrusion Detection Systems Africa 12 Spring
04-630 Data Structures and Algorithms for Engineers Africa 12 Fall, Spring
04-631 Advanced Database Systems Africa 12 Fall
04-632 DevOps: Software Development and IT Operations Africa 12 Fall
04-633 Embedded System Development Africa 12 Spring
04-634 Software Architecture and Design Africa 12 Spring
04-636 Software Accessibility Africa 6 Spring
04-637 Mobile Big Data Analytics and Management Africa 12 Spring
04-638 Programming for Data Analytics Africa 12 Fall
04-641 Fundamentals of Telecommunications and Computer Networks Africa 12 Fall
04-645 Internet of Things (IoT) Africa 12 Fall
04-650 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning Africa 12 Fall
04-651 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Africa Africa 6 Fall
04-652 Artificial Intelligence System Design Africa 12 Spring
04-653 Engineering Artificial Intelligence Project Methods Africa 6 Fall
04-654 Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Model Africa 12 Spring
04-655 Artificial Intelligence for Engineers Africa 12 Fall
04-701 Research Methods in Engineering Africa 6 Fall, Spring
04-720 Ethical Hacking Africa 12 Fall, Spring
04-730 Augmented and Virtual Reality Africa 12 Fall
04-800-AB Machine Learning for Earth Observation Africa 12 Spring
04-801-V3 Leading and Managing Technology and Innovation Africa 6 Spring
04-800-AF Advanced Quantitative Financial Analytics and Algorithmic Trading Africa 12 Spring
04-800-AG Business Fundamentals for Engineers Africa 12 Spring
04-800-AH Cybersecurity Operations Project Africa 12 Fall, Spring
04-801-A1 Deep Learning Systems: Hardware, Compilers, and Algorithms Africa 6 Fall
04-800-B Recommender Systems Africa 12 Fall
04-800-C User Experience and User Interface Engineering Africa 12 Spring
04-800-E Foundations of Entrepreneurship Africa 12 Fall
04-800-G Humanoid Robotics and Cognition Africa 12 Fall
04-800-H Quantitative Financial Analytics and Algorithmic Trading Africa 12 Fall
04-800-I Introduction to Systems Software Engineering Africa 12 Fall
04-800-J Cloud Infrastructure and Computing Africa 12 Fall
04-800-K AIOps: Continuous and Automated IT and AI Monitoring Africa 12 Fall
04-801-N1 Electronic Business and Technology Africa 6 Fall
04-801-O3 No/low-code For Electronic Business Africa 6 Spring
04-801-O4 Model-driven Software Engineering Africa 6 Spring
04-801-S3 Planning for Digital Transformation Africa 6 Spring
04-801-S4 Project in Digital Transformation Africa 6 Spring
04-801-T3 Applications of AI in Healthcare Africa 6 Spring
04-801-T4 Project in AI for Healthcare Africa 6 Spring
04-801-U3 Technical Writing and Communication Skills Africa 6 Fall, Spring
04-900 MSIT Practicum Africa 24 Fall, Spring
04-910 Entrepreneurship Project Africa 24 Fall, Spring
04-950 Engineering Artificial Intelligence Capstone Africa 12 Fall, Spring
04-980 Engineering Independent Study Africa Variable Fall, Spring
04-990 Engineering Research Project Africa Variable Fall, Spring
11-611 Natural Language Processing Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
11-697 Introduction to Question Answering with Large Language Models Pittsburgh 12 Fall
11-741 Machine Learning with Graphs Pittsburgh 12 Fall
11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
11-797-R Question Answering Pittsburgh 12 Spring
14-735 Secure Coding Pittsburgh 12 Fall
14-817 Cyber Risk Modeling Pittsburgh 12 Fall
15-619 Cloud Computing Africa 12 Spring
17-734 Usable Privacy and Security Pittsburgh 12 Spring
18-662 Principles and Engineering Applications of AI Pittsburgh 12 Spring
18-631 Introduction to Information Security Africa 12 Fall, Spring
18-640 Hardware Arithmetic for Machine Learning Pittsburgh 12 Fall
18-641 Design Patterns for Smartphone Development Africa 12 Spring
18-652 Foundations of Software Engineering Africa 12 Fall
18-661 Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
18-681 Power Electronics Africa 12 Fall
18-685 Power Electronics for Electric Utility Systems Africa 12 Spring
18-731 Network Security Africa 12 Fall, Spring
18-751 Applied Stochastic Processes Africa 12 Fall
18-759 Wireless Communications and Mobile Networks Africa 12 Spring
18-785 Data, Inference, and Applied Machine Learning Africa 12 Fall
18-787-K3 Data Analytics Africa 6 Spring
18-788-K4 Big Data Science Africa 6 Spring
18-797/11-755 Machine Learning for Signal Processing Pittsburgh 12 Fall
18-799-L Robotics: Principles and Practice Africa 12 Fall
18-799-RW Applied Computer Vision Africa 12 Spring
18-859-R Networking Lab Africa 12 Fall
18-861 Energy Project Development and Economic Studies Africa 6 Fall
18-862 Control of Grid-Connected Machines & Converters Africa 12 Fall
18-863-K3 Power System Operations Africa 6 Spring
18-864-R4 Power System Expansion Africa 6 Spring
18-865 Photovoltaic Systems Engineering Africa 6 Fall
18-866-M3 Off-Grid Electricity Systems Africa 6 Spring
18-867-R4 Applied Smart Grid Telecoms Africa 6 Spring
18-883-L4 Integrated Energy Systems Africa 6 Spring
18-980 M.S. Graduate Project Pittsburgh Variable Fall, Spring
18-989 Introduction to Graduate Studies Pittsburgh 1 Fall
19-608 Privacy, Policy, Law & Tech Africa 12 Fall
19-625 Sustainable Energy for the Developing World Pittsburgh 12 Spring
19-661-RW ST: Introduction to Policy-making and Policy Analysis Pittsburgh 12 Spring
24-784 Trustworthy AI Pittsburgh 12 Spring
90-834 Geospatial Health Analytics Pittsburgh 12 Spring
94-802 Geographic Information Systems Pittsburgh 12 Fall

Legacy courses

Legacy courses were previously offered but have been phased out due to changes in the program or instructor availability.

Course Course Name Location Units Semester Offered
04-604 Global Leadership Seminar Africa 6 Spring
04-621-A3 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Africa 6 Spring
04-651-A Applications of Machine Learning in Africa Africa 6 Fall
04-721 Vulnerability Assessment and Testing Africa 12 Fall
04-800-AA IT for Behavior Change Support Africa 12 Spring
04-800-AC Social Network Analysis Africa 12 Spring
04-800-AE Software Engineering Foundations Africa 12 Spring
04-800-F Educational Technology Design Africa 12 Fall
04-800-M Security Assessment Project Africa 12 Spring
04-800-Q Games and Entrepreneurship Africa 12 Spring
04-800-Y Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning Africa 12 Spring
04-801-A4 Entrepreneurship and Business Model Development Africa 6 Spring
04-801-B3 Business Economics Africa 6 Spring
04-801-D2 Android Mobile App Development Africa 6 Intermittent
04-801-D3 IT Innovation and Business in Africa Africa 6 Spring
04-801-E1 African Venture Funding Africa 6 Fall
04-801-G1 Engineering Optimization Africa 6 Fall
04-801-M3 Cloud Networking Africa 6 Spring
04-801-R3 Special Topics in ICT: Secure Coding Practice Africa 6 Spring
04-801-I4 Speech Signal Processing Africa 6 Spring
04-801-J4 Artificial Neural Networks Africa 6 Spring
04-801-H2 Data Compression Africa 6 Fall
04-801-K2 Tracking Cybercrimes Africa 6 Fall
04-801-L2 Software Defined Radios Africa 6 Fall
04-801-M2 Principles of Embedded Software Africa 6 Intermittent
04-801-N2 Innovation and IT Africa 6 Intermittent
04-801-N4 Natural Language Processing Africa 6 Spring
04-801-P4 Machine Learning for Computer Networks and Security (MLCNS) Pittsburgh 6 Spring
04-801-Q3 Medical Image Analytics Africa 6 Spring
04-801-Z3 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Environment in Africa Africa 3 Spring
04-802-F Digital Public Goods Africa 6 Spring
18-771 Linear Systems Africa 12 Fall
18-799-K Artificial Cognitive Systems Africa 12 Fall
18-799-R Cognitive Robotics Africa 12 Spring
18-842 Distributed Systems Pittsburgh 12 Spring
18-859-RW Emerging Technologies in Communication Africa 12 Fall
18-866-M3 Electric Power Systems Africa 6 Spring
18-899-L3 Human-Robot Interaction Africa 6 Spring
18-899-L4 Neurorobotics Africa 6 Spring